Product ID : SPINTURN094141 Product Description : Q-Deck Plus Colonial Spindle 41 x 41 x 900mm Product Price (ex VAT) : £2.35 Product Price (inc VAT) : £2.82

Further Details
High quality turned softwood spindles for the construction of standard height deck balustrading (about 1m). They are preservative pre-treated with Tanalith E Extra giving the timber water repellant properties
Q-Deck Plus Colonial Spindles are made from high quality certified softwood. Designed for use with Q-Deck plus 44 x 70mm hand/bottom rail. When used at 140mm centres approximately 7 balusters are required per metre run of balustrading as shown on the featured images. They are preservative pre-treated with Tanalith E Extra giving the timber water repellant propertie
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