Chestnut post and rail, also known as ‘Sussex Post and Rail’. It is a traditional rustic style of fencing. Made using cleft ended Chestnut rails with morticed posts, (either in Cleft Chestnut or Sawn Treated softwood) it is strong and suits wide a range of rural applications. Chestnut is known for its long lasting qualities. Chestnut is a durable hardwood timber, all sourced from local suppliers and coppices.
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ID | Description | Price (Ex Vat) | Price (Inc Vat) |
SRP212DM | 2.1m x 100 x 125mm, 2 Double Morticed Treated for cleft rail | £28.99 | £34.79 |
SRP213DM | 2.1m x 100 x 125mm, 3 Double Morticed Treated for cleft rail | £25.99 | £31.19 |
CLEFTCH9A | 2.9m Cleft chestnut rails 2.5m centres | £18.29 | £21.95 |
CHP6006062M | 2.0m Cleft chestnut half round posts 2 x double Morts | £20.29 | £24.35 |
CHP66063M | 2.0m Cleft chestnut half round posts 3 x double Morts | £18.99 | £22.79 |
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