Whether you have got to clad a new shed or barn that needs cladding, if you need to re-felt your shed roof, or if you want to go make your building extra special and use cedar shingles then we have all the materials to complete your project. As well as what we have listed in stock below we have an amazing supplier network enabling us to offer a wide array of different types of cladding.
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ID | Description | Price (Ex Vat) | Price (Inc Vat) |
CEDARSHIN | Red Label Cedar Shingles - 2.25m2 Bundle | £110.30 | £132.36 |
CEDARSHRT | Cedar Ridge Tile Bundle - Covers 5m run | £99.79 | £119.75 |
FELT | Shed Felt 10m x 1.0m Green Mineral | £55.35 | £66.42 |
FTH101025 | 1.05m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £0.63 | £0.76 |
FTH151025 | 1.50m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £0.92 | £1.10 |
FTH161025A | 1.65m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £0.97 | £1.16 |
FTH161225 | 1.65m 2ex 125 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.20 | £1.44 |
FTH181025 | 1.80m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.10 | £1.32 |
FTH181225 | 1.8m 2ex 125 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.39 | £1.67 |
FTH211025 | 2.10m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.29 | £1.55 |
FTH361525 | 3.60m 2ex 150 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £3.30 | £3.96 |
FTHBLK17532 | Black Barn Cladding Featheredge 4.8m 2ex 175 x 32mm | £16.15 | £19.38 |
SHIPLAP | 4.8m x 19 x 125mm Shiplap Cladding Treated | £11.10 | £13.32 |
FTH121025A | 1.20m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £0.72 | £0.86 |
FTH131025A | 1.35m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.09 | £1.31 |
FTH131225 | 1.35m 2ex 125 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.10 | £1.32 |
FTH191025 | 1.95m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.15 | £1.38 |
FTH221025 | 2.25m 2ex 100 x 22mm Featheredge Boards Treated | £1.39 | £1.67 |
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