All of those extra bits that you might require when installing a new fence or undertaking repairs to your existing fence.
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ID | Description | Price (Ex Vat) | Price (Inc Vat) |
CLEAT150A | Timber Cleats 200 x 50 x 25mm treated | £0.59 | £0.71 |
ARAILREPB | Arris rail repair brackets(Galv) | £1.05 | £1.26 |
ARRISHAND | Bolt-On Arris Rail Brackets - Handed - Pre-Galv | £1.31 | £1.57 |
BIRDMTHS3 | Birds Mouth Post Strap (Once Bent) for 75mm posts | £1.55 | £1.86 |
BIRDMTHS4 | Birds Mouth Post Strap (Once Bent) for 100mm posts | £1.55 | £1.86 |
CONCREPAIR | Arris Rail Mortice Bracket for 75mm Arris Rails | £3.10 | £3.72 |
GBCHANCLE15050 | Gravelboard Channel Cleat 150 x 50mm Galv | £2.10 | £2.52 |
GFSLIPRAIL | Slip Rail Brackets Galv Gatemate for rails upto 100 x 50mm | £16.99 | £20.39 |
METCLEAT12 | 2 Prong gravelboard cleat 300mm (12") galv | £6.99 | £8.39 |
METCLEAT6 | 2 Prong gravel board cleat 150mm galv | £2.35 | £2.82 |
PANCLIP47 | Panel Bracket 47mm (Dark brown) | £1.08 | £1.30 |
STEELCOR100 | Steel Corner Brace 100mm BZP | £0.75 | £0.90 |
STEELCOR50 | Steel Corner Brace 50mm BZP | £0.25 | £0.30 |
STEELCOR75 | Steel Corner Brace 75mm BZP | £0.36 | £0.43 |
TRELLISCLIP | Trellis Bracket 32mm (Epoxy Brown) | £0.89 | £1.07 |
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