Our range of landscape screws come in a range of lengths & specifically designed for wood to wood application, be it a sub frame on a deck or fixing timber sleepers together. No pre-drilling required.
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ID | Description | Price (Ex Vat) | Price (Inc Vat) |
CMATE90MMG | Carpenters Mate Pro Hex Head Screws 8 x 90mm Galv | £0.33 | £0.40 |
CMATE140MMG | Carpenters Mate Pro Hex Head Screws 8 x 140mm Galv | £0.49 | £0.59 |
CMATE200MMG | Carpenters Mate Pro Hex Head Screws 8 x 190mm Galv | £0.65 | £0.78 |
CMATE250MMG | Carpenters Mate Pro Hex Head Screws 8 x 240mm Galv | £0.76 | £0.91 |
TLOK100BX | 100mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (50 per box) | £35.99 | £43.19 |
TLOK100CS | 100mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (250 per box) | £120.32 | £144.38 |
TLOK150BX | 150mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (50 per box) | £41.99 | £50.39 |
TLOK150CS | 150mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (250 per box) | £128.00 | £153.60 |
TLOK200BX | 200mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (50 per box) | £55.85 | £67.02 |
TLOK200CS | 200mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (250 per box) | £155.99 | £187.19 |
TLOK250BX | 250mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (50 per box) | £45.99 | £55.19 |
TLOK250CS | 250mm Timberlok Landscaping Screws (250 per box) | £188.99 | £226.79 |
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