
A selection of decorative timber fence post caps and finials made from slow grown high quality European heartwood. All of these have been pressure treated green for extra durability.

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IDDescriptionPrice (Ex Vat)Price (Inc Vat)
ACORN2PK100FenceMate 100mm Acorn Finial & Base 2 pack£13.99£16.79
ACORN2PK75FenceMate 75mm Acorn Finial & Base 2 pack£8.49£10.19
ACORNFIN100Acorn Finial for 100mm posts treated£9.43£11.32
ACORNFIN75Acorn Finial for 75mm posts treated£4.97£5.96
BALLFIN75Ball Finial for 75mm post£2.90£3.48
BALLFINIALBall Finial for 100mm post£5.60£6.72
POSTCAP75Sawn Post Cap for 75mm post£0.89£1.07
POSTCAP100Sawn Post cap for 100mm post£1.48£1.78
call for a quote 01252 795 005